posted by Super Ron |
July 5, 2017 19:57
I know someone who went to a staff Christmas party at a nice hotel and left early. When I asked him how it was he said it was a nice meal and he received a very nice Christmas bonus but it was boring otherwise. After a short program, they had a DJ and a lot of people started to leave at that point. What was wrong with this staff party? They needed a live show.
The place he worked was part of a chain of automotive shops. People from different shops were all at that party. So, you basically had a bunch of more macho type guys who didn’t know each other. No one was going to be the first person up on the dance floor.
A good live show would have really fit the bill here. People who are a little shyer can just watch the show while the bolder people can engage directly with the performer. A comedian can deal with a heckler (part of the fun of a stand-up show), an improv group can get people directly involved by getting input from the audience or a magic act can have volunteers. Who doesn’t want to see the boss up on stage?
When the show is done you have a group of people who are no longer strangers, but a group of people who have all shared a common experience. Maybe now might be a better time for a DJ.